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Cottingham CofE Primary School

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School Day

The School Day 

School at Cottingham CofE (September 2023) starts at 8:45am for children to come in to school and begin their learning. A member of staff will always be available to speak to you at the school gates during our 'Meet and Greet'. This is a good opportunity to pass on any information for the class teacher or just to say a quick 'Hi'.

Children in KS2 are invited to take part in the 'Daily Mile' before register.

The total compulsory time that children are at school is 32 hours and 30mins per week. Gate opens 8:45am (Register 8:55am, End of day 3:25pm).


10:50 - 11:05


12:05 - 1:05

Collective Worship

Whole school collective worship takes place on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00pm. Classes have their own collective worship on a Tuesday and Thursday. Friday is our time to celebrate achievements and parents/carers are always welcome from 2:50pm.


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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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