Dear Lord,
Please bless us all,
Help us to care for one another and to forgive one another,
To play and work well together,
Help us to be thankful and always to remember the love of Christ and spread his love wherever we go.
Maths Long Term Curriculum Map
Maths Long Term Curriculum MapKIRFS are a way of helping your child to learn by heart, key facts and information which they need to have instant recall of. KIRFs are designed to support the development of mental maths skills that underpin much of the maths work in our school. They contain number facts such as number bonds and times tables that need constant practise and rehearsal, so children can recall them quickly and accurately. For your child to become more efficient in recalling them easily, they need to be practised frequently and for short periods of time. Each half term, children will focus on a Key Instant Recall Fact (KIRF) to practise both in school and learn at home for the half term.
Key Instant Recall Facts (Overview)
Key Instant Recall Facts (Overview)EYFS KIRF
Year 1 KIRFsYear 2 KIRFs
Year 2 KIRFsYear 3 KIRFs
Year 3 KIRFsYear 4 KIRFs
Year 4 KIRFsYear 5 KIRFs
Year 5 KIRFsYear 6 KIRFs
Year 6 KIRFsSubtraction