Church of England
Gold Winner
Ofsted - 'Good' rating School Games Gold 2022 2023 Music Mark School Member Picture News Award 2022
CEOP - Advise, Help and Report
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

Our School Prayer

Dear Lord,

Please bless us all,

Help us to care for one another and to forgive one another,

To play and work well together,

Help us to be thankful and always to remember the love of Christ and spread his love wherever we go.


The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school or the country, is consistently reinforced through our curriculum, behaviour/reward system and during collective worship. Each class discuss the school rules to ensure they are clearly understood by all, this ensures that every pupil is able to learn in a safe environment and adhere to either whole school rules or certain rules bespoke to their class. We expect pupils to behave impeccably when they are on trips outside of school and feedback often suggests that this is the case. Pupils are taught, through our behaviour and reward system, what happens if they break the rules and that the wrong choices have consequences. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service are encouraged and help reinforce that laws of the land are in place to protect us.

British Values Statement