Dear Lord,
Please bless us all,
Help us to care for one another and to forgive one another,
To play and work well together,
Help us to be thankful and always to remember the love of Christ and spread his love wherever we go.
Staying open or closing the school is a huge decision to make as it impacts on so many different things. As always the decision is based on;
In the event of any snow/adverse weather we will share information as widely as possible through:
At all times, all attempts will be made clear the car park, playground and pathways of snow. Please do take care within these areas. Help always appreciated to remove snow/grit etc.
During the day we will endeavour to clear, and make safe, more of the site.
If we are closed then all clubs, including CSD/breakfast will also be cancelled. If we are open, then a decision regarding clubs will be made on the day and you will be notified accordingly.
If we are open it is likely that the children will be given an opportunity to play outside. They will only be allowed to do this if they have appropriate clothing for the weather. This includes wellington boots or sensible waterproof outdoor shoes as we would want their school shoes to be kept dry for indoor use. Children without suitable clothing will not be allowed to join the fun. Children will also be reminded of ‘sensible’ play.
This probably all seems a little over the top, but we feel it is better to be prepared and that everyone has a clear understanding of the plan.